The conductor Rémy Ballot has been described by music critics as a rising star among today’s young and aspiring conductors, thanks largely to the overwhelmingly positive reception of his recordings of the symphonies of Anton Bruckner. Much of the praise and honour given to his work in the music press has approached the reverential. His first recording, of Bruckner’s 3rd Symphony (2014), was awarded the prestigious French diapason d’or découverte and the highly coveted Pizzicato Supersonic Award, which has been given three times in succession for the latest volumes in the series. Other accolades have included Record of the Month (8th Symphony, 2015) from the American magazine Stereophile.
Read Rémy Ballot’s complete biography »
„Above all, he leaves a lot of people behind him, starting with Blomstedt, Haitink or Abbado despite their superior instrumental brilliance, and sends Barenboim’s Wagnerian routine back to the ropes …“ – DIAPASON (France)
„It’s the finale that’s the highlight of this recording. Ballot eclipses not only Celibidache but also most other conductors …“ – GRAMOPHONE MAGAZINE (UK)
„Ballot ergreift, macht Schweben, Glück, Trauer, Ewigkeit spüren ..“ – DER SPIEGEL (Germany)
Listen to Rémy Ballot Audio Samples
Bruckner’s 5th with Rémy Ballot in Virtual Reality (Teaser):
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